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Giuseppe Pozzi, Ph.D.


Curriculum vitae

1. Official degrees and dates
Giuseppe Pozzi was born in Como (CO), Italy, on November 12th, 1961.
Giuseppe Pozzi received the Laurea Degree in Electrical Engineering at the Politecnico of Milano on June 1986. He received the Ph.D. degree on July 1992. On December 1992 he received a post-doc fellowship from Politecnico di Milano.
From October 1st, 1993 to October 31st, 2002 he served as research assistant at the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione of the Politecnico di Milano. Since November 1st, 2002 he has been associate professor at the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione of the Politecnico di Milano.

2. Scientific activity
Giuseppe Pozzi's past interests include computer-based analysis of the electrocardiographical signal, multiservice software for medicine, biomedical image compression, classification of public domain medical software, object-oriented and temporal databases for medicine.
At present, his interests are mainly focused on active database systems, their application to WorkFlow Management Systems (WFMS), temporal databases and the management of temporal aspects in WfMSs.

3. Teaching activity
Giuseppe Pozzi held teaching activity in the following courses:

Giuseppe Pozzi holds teaching activity in the following courses:
