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Giuseppe Pozzi, Ph.D.

List of Major Publications

Papers in international journals

  1. Vizza P., Succurro E., Pozzi G., Guzzi P.H., Cascini G.L., Tradigo G., Veltri P., A Methodology to Measure Glucose Metabolism by Quantitative Analysis of PET Images, J. Heal. Informatics Res., vol. --, 2024, -- (DOI)
  2. Combi C., Facelli J.C., Haddawy P., Holmes J.H., Koch S., Liu H., Meyer J., Peleg M., Pozzi G., Stiglic G., Veltri P., Yang C.C., The IHI Rochester Report 2022 on HealthCare Informatics Research: Resuming after the CoViD, J. Heal. Informatics Res., vol. 7(2), 2023, 169-202 (DOI)
  3. Cardoso M.J, Houssami N., Pozzi G., Seroussi B., Artificial intelligence (AI) in breast cancer care - Leveraging multidisciplinary skills to improve care, Artif. Intell. Medicine, vol. 123, 2022, 102215 (DOI)
  4. Cardoso M.J, Houssami N., Pozzi G., Seroussi B., Artificial intelligence (AI) in breast cancer care - Leveraging multidisciplinary skills to improve care, The Breast, vol. 56, 2021, 110-113 (DOI)
  5. Combi C., Oliboni B., Pozzi G., Sabaini A., Zimanyi E., Enabling instant- and interval-based semantics in multidimensional data models: the T+MultiDim Model, Inf. Sci., vol. 518, 2020, 413-435 (DOI)
  6. Combi C., Pozzi G., Clinical Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence: Recent Research Trends, Yearbook of Medical Informatics, vol. 28, n. 1, 2019, 83-94 (DOI)
  7. Shehu A., Pozzi G., Kahveci T., Guest Editorial for the ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform., vol. 16, n. 5, 2019, 1409 (DOI)
  8. Kahveci T., Pozzi G, Shehu A, Wang M. D., Guest Editorial on the Special Issue on Informatics on Biomedical Data Learning, Reasoning, and Representation, IEEE J. Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 23, n. 1, 2019, 81-82 (DOI)
  9. Pizzagalli D.U., Farsakoglu Y, Palomino-Segura M., Palladino E., Sintes J., Marangoni M., R. Mempel T., Hon Koh W., Murooka T.T., Thelen F., Stein J.V., Pozzi G., Thelen M., Krause R., Fernandez Gonzalez S.,Data Descriptor: Leukocyte Tracking Database, a collection of immune cell tracks from intravital 2-photon microscopy videos, Nature Scientific Data, vol. 5, n. --, 2018, 1-18 (DOI)
  10. Marceglia S., Rigby M., Alonso A., keeling D., Kubitschke L, Pozzi G., DEDICATE: Proposal for a conceptual framework to develop dementia-friendly integrated eCare support, BioMedical Engineering Online, vol. 17, n. 1, 2018, 1-18 (DOI)
  11. Combi C., Pozzani G., Pozzi G., Telemedicine for Developing Countries, Applied Clinical Informatics, vol. 7, n. 4, 2016, 1025-1050 (DOI)
  12. Ferrante S., Bonacina S., Pozzi G., Pinciroli F., Marceglia S.: A Design Methodology for Medical Processes, Applied Clinical Informatics, vol. 7, n. 1, 2016, 191-210 (DOI)
  13. Combi C., Mantovani M., Sabaini A., Sala P., Amaddeo F., Moretti U., Pozzi G.: Mining Approximate Temporal Functional Dependencies with Pure Temporal Grouping in Clinical Databases, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 62, 2015, 306-324 (DOI)
  14. Combi C., Pozzi G., Rossato R.: Querying Temporal Clinical Databases on Granular Trends, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 45, n. 2, 2012, 272-291 (DOI)
  15. Combi C., Gozzi M., Posenato R., Pozzi G.: Conceptual Modelling of Flexible Temporal Workflows, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, vol. 7, n. 2, 2012, art. no. 19 (DOI)
  16. Daniel F., Pozzi G.: An Open ECA Server for Active Applications, J. of Database Management, vol. 19, n. 28, 2008, 1-20 (DOI)
  17. Daniel F., Matera M., Pozzi G.: Managing Runtime Adaptivity through Active Rules: the Bellerofonte Framework, J. Web Engineering, vol. 7, n. 8, 2008 179-199 (DOI)
  18. Ceri S., Bolchini C., Braga D., Brambilla M., Campi A., Comai S., Fraternali P., Lanzi P.L., Masseroli M., Matera M., Negri M., Pelagatti G., Pozzi G., Quintarelli E., Schreiber F.A., Tanca L.: Data and Web Management Research at Politecnico di Milano, SIGMOD Record, vol. 36, n. 4, 2007, 43-48 (DOI)
  19. Adlassnig K.P., Combi C., Das A.K., Keravnou E., Pozzi G.: Temporal Representation and Reasoning in Medicine: Research Directions and Challenges, Special issue on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, Int'l Journal on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 38, n. 2, 2006, p. 101-113 (DOI)
  20. Combi C., Pozzi G.: Guest Editorial: Temporal Representation and Reasoning in Medicine, Special issue on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, Int'l Journal on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 38, n. 2, 2006, p. 97-100 (DOI)
  21. Combi C., Pozzi G.: HMAP - A Temporal Data Model Managing Intervals with Different Granularities and Indeterminacy from Natural Language Sentences, VLDB Journal, vol. 9, n. 4, 2001, p. 294-311 (DOI)
  22. Casati F., Ceri S., Paraboschi S., Pozzi G.: Specification and Implementation of Exceptions in Workflow Management Systems, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 1999, vol. 24, n. 3, p. 405-451 (DOI)
  23. Casati F., Ceri S., Pernici B., Pozzi G.: Workflow Evolution, Data and Knowledge Engineering, 1998, vol. 24, n. 1, p. 211-238 (DOI)
  24. Portoni L., Combi C., Pozzi G., Pinciroli F., Fritsch J.P., Brennecke R.: Angiocardiographic digital still images compressed via irreversible methods: concepts and experiments, International Journal of BioMedical Computing, 1997, vol. 46, n. 3, p. 185-204 (DOI)
  25. Combi C., Pinciroli F., Pozzi G.: Managing Different Time Granularities of Clinical Information by an Interval-based Temporal Data Model, Methods of Information in Medicine, 1995, vol. 34, n. 5, p. 458-474 (DOI)
  26. Pinciroli F., Combi C., Pozzi G.: ARCADIA: a System for the Integration of Angiocardiographic Data and Images by an Object-Oriented DBMS, Computers and Biomedical Research, 1995, vol. 28, n. 1, p. 5-23 (DOI)
  27. Pinciroli F., Combi C., Pozzi G.: A database schema for the public-domain medical software, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 1994, vol. 24, n. 4, p. 243-254 (DOI)
  28. Pinciroli F., Combi C., Pozzi G., Portoni L., Negretto M., Invernizzi G.: Some Experiments in compressing Angiocardiographics Images according to the Peano-Hilbert Scan Path, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 1994, vol. 43, n. 3-4, p. 247-253 (DOI)
  29. Pinciroli F., Combi C., Pozzi G.: Object-oriented DBMS Techniques for Time-Oriented Medical Record, Medical Informatics, 1992, vol. 17, n. 4, p. 231-241 (DOI)
  30. Pinciroli F., Combi C., Pozzi G., Rossi R.: MS*2/Cardio: towards a Multi-Service Medical Software for Cardiology, Methods of Information in Medicine, 1992, vol. 31, n. 1, p. 18-27 (DOI)
  31. Pinciroli F., Pozzi G.: A Drug-to-Drug Interaction Package, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 1989, vol. 28, n. 3, p. 183-189 (DOI)

Papers in international conferences (partial list)

  1. Beltrame G.A., Combi C., Farinelli A., Posenato R., Pozzi G.: Ride-Sharing in Medical Transportations: Dealing with Temporal Requirements, Workshops of the EDBT/ICDT 2024 Joint Conference: March 25, 2024, Paestum, Italy: (DOI)
  2. Combi C., Facelli J.C., Haddawy P., Holmes J.H., Koch S., Liu H., Meyer J., Peleg M., Pozzi G., Stiglic G., Veltri P., Yang C.C.: Resuming HealthCare Informatics Research after CoViD-19: the HealthCare System Perspective, 11th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI: June 26-29, 2023, Houston (TX) USA: 760--762 (DOI)
  3. Comai S., Carpaneto L., Masciadri A., Pozzi G., Salice F.: Sleep Monitoring: Enriching the Traditional Approach by Sensor-collected Data ,11th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI: June 26-29, 2023, Houston (TX) USA: 352--360 (DOI)
  4. Mantovani M., Caravati A., Pozzi G., Combi C., Salvia R.: CardiaPPG - A BPMN-based Framework to Manage ERAS-inspired Pathway for Patients Undergoing Pancreatic Surgery, 11th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI: June 26-29, 2023, Houston (TX) USA: 21--31 (DOI)
  5. Comai S., Masciadri A., Monastero F., Motetta F., Pozzi G., Salice F.: CardiaPPG - A Portable, Low-Cost Photopletismograph for the Evaluation of the Cardiovascular Age, IEEE International Conference on Digital Health, ICDH 2023: July 2-8, 2023, Chicago (IL) USA: 227--233 (DOI)
  6. Avci O., Pozzi G.: Is My Model Up-to-date? Detecting CoViD-19 Variants by Machine Learning, Workshops of the EDBT/ICDT 2023 Joint Conference: March 28, 2023, Ioannina, Greece: (DOI)
  7. Pozzi G., Weber J.: Message from the General Chairs, 9th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI: August 9-12, 2021, Victoria, BC, Canada: xviii--xix (DOI)
  8. Combi C., Pozzi G.: Health Informatics: Clinical Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence to Support Medicine in the CoViD-19 Pandemic, 9th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI: August 9-12, 2021, Victoria, BC, Canada: 480--488 (DOI)
  9. Bianchi A., Mortari M., Pintavalle C., Pozzi G.: Putting BPMN and DMN to Work: a Pediatric Surgery Case Study, IEEE International Conference on Digital Health, (ICDH): September 5-10, 2021, Chicago, IL, USA: 154--159 (DOI)
  10. Combi C., Galetto F., Nakawala H.C., Pozzi G., Zerbato F.: Enriching surgical process models by BPMN extensions for temporal durations, SAC '21: The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing: March 22-26, 2021, Republic of Korea: 586--593 (DOI)
  11. Aliakbarpoor Y., Comai S., Pozzi G.: A Prototype of Mobile app/EHR Communication through Standards for Home Treatment of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, IEEE 3rd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry, RTSI 2017: September 11-13, 2017, Modena (It): 1-6 (DOI)
  12. Haspel N., Cowen L.J., Shehu A., Kahveci T., Pozzi G.: Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, BCB 2017 ACM-BCB 2017: August 20-23, 2017, Boston (MA): - (DOI)
  13. Shehu A., Kahveci T., Pozzi G.: Highlights Talks at ACM-BCB 2017, ACM-BCB 2017: August 20-23, 2017, Boston (MA): 1 (DOI)
  14. Rossi E., Fontelo P., Ackerman M.J., Pozzi G., Marceglia S.: A Prototype of Mobile app/EHR Communication through Standards for Home Treatment of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, IEEE ICHI 2015: October 21-23, 2015, Dallas (TX): 310–315 (DOI)
  15. Combi C., Pozzani G., Pozzi G.: Design, Development, Deployment of a Telemedicine System in a Developing Country: Dealing with Organizational and Social Issues, IEEE ICHI 2015: October 21-23, 2015, Dallas (TX): 545–554. (DOI)
  16. Ostinelli A., Pozzi G., Vassena A.: Anatomical District Recognition in CT Bio-images, IEEE ICHI 2015: October 21-23, 2015, Dallas (TX): 316–324 (DOI)
  17. Rossi E., Pozzi G., Rossi L., Priori A., Marceglia S.: Integrating home monitoring for transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) therapy to professional care environment, Proceedings of MIE2015: May 27-29 May, 2015, Madrid, 2015: 970–971 (DOI)
  18. Combi C., Parise P., Sala P., Pozzi G.: Mining Approximate Temporal Functional Dependencies Based on Pure Temporal Grouping, IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Biomedical Informatics and Healthcare (DMBIH): December 7, 2013, Dallas (TX), 2013: 258–265 (DOI)
  19. Pozzi G., Morasca S., Antonini A., Mello Ferreira A.: Software Measures for Business Processes, ADBIS 11: September 20-23, 2011, Vienna, Austria, 2011: 11-22 (DOI)
  20. Daniel F., Matera M., Morandi A., Mortari M., Pozzi G.: Active Rules for Runtime Adaptive Management, ICWE ’07: Workshop proceedings of the sixth international conference on Web engineering, 2007: 28-42 (DOI)
  21. Combi C., Montanari A., Pozzi G.: The T4SQL Temporal Query Language, CIKM’07: November 6–8, 2007, Lisboa, Portugal, 2007: 193-202 (DOI)
  22. Combi C., Gozzi M., Juarez J., Oliboni B., Pozzi G.: Conceptual Modeling of Temporal Clinical Workflows, TIME 2007: 70-81. (DOI)
  23. Combi C., Daniel F., Pozzi G.: A Portable Approach to Exception Handling in Workflow Management Systems, OTM Conferences 2006: 201-218. (DOI)
  24. Combi C., Pozzi G.: Task Scheduling for a Temporal Workflow Management System, TIME 2006: 61-68. (DOI)
  25. Daniel F., Matera M., Pozzi G.: Combining Conceptual Modeling and Active Rules for the Design of Adaptive Web Applications, ICWE ’06: Workshop proceedings of the sixth international conference on Web engineering, 2006: 10-17. (DOI)
  26. Combi C., Pozzi G.: Building XML Documents and Schemas to Support Object Data Exchange and Communication, Proc. of the 14th Database and Expert Systems Applications int. conf., Copenhagen, Denmark, Springer-Verlag Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 2005, p. 353-364 (DOI)
  27. Combi C., Pozzi G.: Architectures for a Temporal Workflow Management System, Proc. of the 19th Symposium on Applied Computing, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2004 p. 659-666. (DOI)
    The paper has been included into the monthly rankings of the "Top 10 Downloads from the ACM Digital Library" for the last 36 months. The following table depicts the monthly rankings as from the Communications of the ACM (CACM)

    CACM Issue of
    Downloads of the Month
    Month Rank
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    January, 2005
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    December, 2005 September, 2005 2
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    September, 2007
  28. Combi C., Pozzi G.: Temporal Conceptual Modeling of Workflows, Proc. of the 22nd Int. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling ER ’03, Chicago IL, 2003 p. 59-76 (DOI)
  29. Combi C., Pozzi G.: Towards Temporal Information in Workflow System, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Evolution and Change in Data Management ECDM ’02, Tampere, Finland, LNCS, 2002, p. 13-26 (DOI)
  30. Casati F., Pozzi G.: Modeling Exceptional Behaviors in Commercial Workflow Management Systems, Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Cooperative Information Systems CoopIS ’99, Edinburgh, Scotland, IEEE Com. Soc. Press, 1999, p. 127-138 (DOI)
  31. Casati F., Ceri S., Pernici B., Pozzi G.: Workflow Evolution, Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling ER ’96, Cottbus, Germany, Springer-Verlag Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 1996, p. 438-455 (DOI)
  32. Casati F., Ceri S., Pernici B., Pozzi G.: Deriving Active Rules for Workflow Enactment, Proc. of the 7th Database and Expert Systems Applications int. conf., Zurich, Switzerland, Springer-Verlag Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 1996, p. 94-115 (DOI)
  33. Combi C., Pinciroli F., Pozzi G.: Managing Different Time Granularities of Narrative Clinical Information: Temporal Data Model TIME-NESIS, TIME ’96, Third Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, Key West (Fl), May 1996, IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, 1996, p. 88-93 (DOI)
  34. Combi C., Pinciroli F., Pozzi G.: TIME-NESIS: a Data Model in Managing Time Granularity of Natural Language Clinical Information, in: Baraona P. et al. (eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Proc. AIME ’95 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Europe, Berlin, Springer, 1995, p. 397-398 (DOI)
  35. Casati F., Ceri S., Pernici B., Pozzi G.: Semantic Workflow Interoperability, Proc. of the 5th Extending Database Technology int. conf., Springer-Verlag Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 1996, p. 443-462 (DOI)
  36. Casati F., Ceri S., Pernici B., Pozzi G.: Conceptual Modeling of Workflows, Proc. of the 14th Object-Oriented and Entity-Relationship Approach int. conf., GoldCoast, Australia, Springer-Verlag Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 1995, p. 341-354 (DOI)

International books (edited)

  1. Combi C., Pozzi G., Veltri P.: Process Modeling and Management for Healthcare (ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton (FL), 2017.(DOI)

Participations to international books

  1. Marceglia S., Ferrante S., Boncina S., Pinciroli F., Lasorsa I., Savino C., Pozzi G.: Domains of Health IT and Tailoring of Evaluation: Practicing Process Modeling for Multi-Stakeholder Benefits, in Elske Ammenwerth and Michael Rigby (ed.), Evidence-Based Health Informatics, IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL), 2016, p. 63-76.
  2. Daniel F., Pozzi G.: Aiding the Development of Active Applications, in Keng Siau and John Erickson (ed.), Principle Advancements in Database Management Technologies, IGI Global, Hershey (PA), 2010, p. 250-270.
  3. Combi C., Oliboni B., Pozzi G.: Modeling and Querying Temporal Semistructured Data Warehouses, in Stanislaw Kozielski, Robert Wrembel (ed.), Annals of Information Systems - New Trends in Data Warehousing and Data Analysis, Springer Science+Business Media, New York (NY), 2009, p. 299-323.
  4. Combi C., Pozzi G.: Temporalities for Workflow Management Systems, in Jorge Cardoso, Wil van der Aalst (ed.), Handbook of Research on Business Process Modeling, Idea Group Inc., Herskey (PA), 2009, p. 255-273.
  5. Combi C., Pozzi G.: Workflow Management Systems for Healthcare Processes, in Nilmini Wickramasinghe (ed.), Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems, Idea Group Inc., Herskey (PA), 2008, p. 1412-1416.
  6. Combi C., Daniel F., Pozzi G.: XPDL-Enabled Cross-Product Exception Handling for WfMSs, in Layna Fisher (ed.), 2008 BPM and Workflow Handbook, Future Strategies Inc. in collaboration with Workflow Management Coalition, 2008, p 237-246.
  7. De Antonellis V., Pozzi G., Schreiber F.A., Tanca L., Tosi L.: A Web-Geographical Information System to Support Territorial Data Integration, in Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (vol I-V), Idea Group, Herskey (PA), 2005, p. 33-37.
  8. Schreiber F.A., Belussi A., De Antonellis V., Fugini M.G., Pozzi G., Tanca L., Tosi L.: The Design of the DEAFIN Web-geographical Information System: an Experience in the Integration of Territorial Reclamation Support Services, in Dahanayake A., Gerhardt W. (eds.), Web-Enabled Systems Integration: Practice and Challenges, Idea Group, Herskey (PA), 2002, p. 142-168.
  9. Casati F., Ceri S., Pernici B., Pozzi G.: Conceptual Modeling of Workflows, in Papazoglou M., Tari Z., Spaccapietra S. (eds.), Object-Oriented Modeling Themes, MIT Press, 2000, p. 281-306.
  10. Casati F., Ceri S., Paraboschi S., Pozzi G.: Active Rule Support in: Grefen P., Pernici B., Sanchez G. (eds.) Database Support for Workflow Management, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic, 1999, p. 141-168.
  11. Baresi L., Casati F., Castano S., Fugini M. G., Grefen P., Mirbel I., Pernici B., Pozzi G.: Workflow Design Methodology in: Grefen P., Pernici B., Sanchez G. (eds.) Database Support for Workflow Management, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic, 1999, p. 47-93.
  12. Casati F., Pernici B., Pozzi G., Sanchez G., Vonk J., Conceptual Workflow Model in: Grefen P., Pernici B., Sanchez G. (eds.) Database Support for Workflow Management, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic, 1999, p. 23-45.


  1. Pozzi G.: Portable and wearable system for the acquisition, displaying, storage and proximal elaboration of an electrocardiographic signal (ECG), for recognising arrhythmic and ischaemic events, with remote transmission, Ita 1405728, 2012.
  2. Pozzi G.: Portable and wearable system for the acquisition, displaying, storage and proximal elaboration of an electrocardiographic signal (ECG), for recognising arrhythmic and ischaemic events, with remote transmission, EP 2 526 859 A1, 2012.

